Sharpen your profile

Sharpen your profile

DesignFiX - ProfilesDesignFiX contains a database with common profiles which will be expanded continuously. With the function Profile you can select the type and the size of the profile welded to the base plate. ETAG 001, Annex C and TR 029 contain no detailed...
What is DesignFiX?

What is DesignFiX?

DesignFiX is an all-purpose anchor design program for manufacturers of fasteners for free distribution to their clients such as engineers, planners or craftsmen. By using the program, the clients can design mechanical and chemical heavy duty anchors under static loads and under the influence of earthquake.

DesignFiX – B+BTec Released

DesignFiX – B+BTec Released

DesignFiX B+BTec Export Division Manufacturer of fastening systems Company B+BTec Export Division Munterij 8, 4762 AH Zevenbergen P.O.Box 100, 4760 AC Zevenbergen The Netherlands Homepage Startpage Corporate Identity Design Available product...
DesignFiX – HARD Released

DesignFiX – HARD Released

DesignFiX Project HARD Manufacturer of fastening systems Company HARD COMÉRCIO DE FIXADORES E RESINAS LTDA Rua Dr. Humberto Pinheiro Vieira, 150 Lote 1B Zona Industrial Norte 89.219-570 Joinville/SC Number : 35521 Brazil Homepage Startpage Corporate...
DesignFiX – CELO Released

DesignFiX – CELO Released

DesignFiX Project CELO Manufacturer of fastening systems  Company CELO Befestigungssysteme GmbHIndustriestraße 6D-86551 Aichach  Homepage  Startpage Corporate Identity Design d Available product families in DesignFiX...
Basis of the design

Basis of the design

Design method according to ETAG 001 + TR 029 The anchor design in DesignFiX is based on the European Technical Guideline published by the EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Approvals: Guideline for European Technical Approval of Metal Anchors for Use in...
DesignFiX – Status bar

DesignFiX – Status bar

DesignFiX – Status bar The status bar in DesignFiX provides you with important information about the result of the calculation and always refers to the currently selected product. Depending on the content of the window, the status bar can be multiline. The...