DesignFiX Project CELO

Manufacturer of fastening systems


CELO Befestigungssysteme GmbH
Industriestraße 6
D-86551 Aichach

Available product families in DesignFiX for CELO Befestigungssysteme GmbH

No.ProductAnchor family / anchor designETAIssuedProperties
1GAResiFIX Epoxyacrylat Express SFETA-12/010703/24/2017  
2GAResiFIX Epoxyacrylat EY SFETA-12/010703/24/2017  
3GAResiFIX Polyester PY SFETA-17/072108/28/2017  
4GAResiFIX Pure Epoxy (50 Jahre)ETA-22/024606/03/2022  
5GAResiFIX Pure Epoxy (50 Jahre)_RebarETA-22/024606/03/2022  
6GAResiFIX Pure Epoxy plus (100 Years)ETA-19/020102/25/2022 
7GAResiFIX Pure Epoxy plus (100 Jahre)_Diamond drillETA-19/020102/25/2022  
8GAResiFIX Pure Epoxy plus (100 Jahre)_Dimond drill_RebarETA-19/020102/25/2022  
9GAResiFIX Pure Epoxy plus (100 Years)_RebarETA-19/020102/25/2022 
10GAResiFIX Vinylester ECO SFETA-20/006601/28/2020 
11GAResiFIX Vinylester VY Cool SFETA-10/013412/15/2016 
12GAResiFIX Vinylester VY SFETA-10/013412/15/2016 
13GAResiFIX Vinylester VY SF RebarETA-10/013412/15/2016 
15GAConcrete screw BTS BETA-16/047010/06/2016 
16GAConcrete screw BTS STETA-16/047010/06/2016 
17GAQuick-Fix anchor BA A4ETA-15/036106/17/2015  
18GAQuick-Fix anchor BA plusETA-12/014211/25/2024  
19GAQuick-Fix anchor BA plus DIN440ETA-12/014206/20/2013  
20GAQuick-Fix anchor BAZETA-10/028009/08/2016 
21GAQuick-Fix anchor BAZETA-10/028007/15/2020 
22GAQuick-Fix anchor BAZ plusETA-20/009403/13/2020 
23GAQuick-fix anchor BAZ-HETA-20/133003/02/2021  
24GASleeve anchor Dnbolt DTETA-15/050809/23/2015  
25GASleeve anchor Dnbolt DVETA-15/050809/23/2015  
26GADrop-In anchor SA plusETA-13/037206/13/2013  
27GADrop-In anchor SA plus with lipETA-13/037206/13/2013  
28GAHeavy duty anchor SLA BETA-17/033705/03/2017 
29GAHeavy duty anchor SLA CETA-17/033705/03/2017 
30GAHeavy duty anchor SLA SETA-17/033705/03/2017 
31GAForced expansion anchor ZABETA-15/035607/08/2015  
32GAForced expansion anchor ZASETA-15/035607/08/2015  

Contents of the DesignFiX - Trial version

This Trial version is designed primarily for anchor manufacturers and distributors, and includes the product range of a virtual company called Your Company. The demo version contains mechanical and chemical anchors which can be designed in accordance with ETAG 001, Annex C, TR 029 and TR 045. More information about installation and system requirements.

Check out what our customers say about us:

We have been offering the design software DesignFIX on our website for free download for more than 6 months. The software includes all approved metal and chemical anchors of Apolo MEA. Great advantages are the fast real-time calculation, the very good graphics and the outstanding functionality; those points are also confirmed by users. The cooperation with the whole team, especially to mention Mr Ziegler, Dr. Mallée and Mr Noack was great during the implementation phase. We are looking forward to the other modules and believe in a long-lasting partnership.

Achim Ruppertz

Leiter Technik und Marketing, Apolo MEA Befestigungssysteme