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Trademark / License

This design program DesignFiX is a product of the company ZiWu-Soft EDV Systeme GmbH, Germany. It is protected by a copyright and has been registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office and is a protected word and figurative mark. All rights are reserved. Retro-development, decoding or decompilation of the software is prohibited. This also applies to sale and resale of the program. Changes of individual files pertaining to this program are prohibited or require previous approval by the holder of Copyright.
©Copyright 2015 DesignFiX™. All rights reserved. All texts, images, graphics, sound-, video- and animation files and their arrangement are subject to copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. They may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor modified or used on other websites. Some Internet sites of DesignFiX™ also contain material that is subject to the copyright of those who have made this available.
You may install DesignFiX™ on as many computers as you want and use it free of Charge.